Hearthfire Handworks

An Introduction to Pan

Pan is a god of shepherds and hunters, wild places, mountains and woods; he was worshipped throughout Greece but always retained his rustic character. He is a particular friend of the nymphs, […]

Athena Ergane, Goddess of Work

Because it is Labor Day here in the US, I honor Athena Ergane. As a goddess with a wide range of responsibilities, Athena has many different epithets. As Athena Ergane, Athena the […]

Gods Above and Gods Below

When it comes to discussing the Greek gods, “chthonic” or “chthonian” is a very useful and somewhat confusing word. You’ve probably heard it applied to underworld gods and spirits, the gods some […]

Practice and Belief

People often call the pagan and polytheistic religions orthopraxic (having to do with “right practice”), to contrast them with religions that are orthodoxic (having to do with “right belief”). As it happens, […]

In My Shop: Aristaios Prayer Beads, the Homesteader’s God

The Greek pantheon has many, many, many gods. And as I often say, “Every god is someone’s god.” Even those–or, sometimes, especially those–who may not be so well known. Aristaios is one […]


When I say I am multi-faith, I know it’s a mouthful, and I know it’s maybe sort of vague, but I haven’t yet found a better word for it and it’s become […]

The Ages of Greek Religion

As a semi-reconstructionist polytheistic pagan, I draw upon a variety of sources–historical, literary, archaeological–to inform my religious practice. Such sources do not define my practice but they do provide a base on […]

Goddess Groups: The Furies

While the Greeks typically regarded and approached their gods as individuals, there were some who could also be addressed in the aggregate–as a group. One such group was the Furies. The Furies […]

Low-Maintenance Polytheism

I grew up in the 60s and 70s. I am too young to be an old hippie but I was certainly aware of them when I was a little girl. Something about […]

Household Gods

We usually think of ancient Greek religion as taking place in temples, but there was as well a strong aspect of household worship. For the most part, household gods were not only […]

Godphones and Cheese

I grew up around cats. My mother loves cats, and since she couldn’t stand to separate a family she always took the whole litter. I don’t have cats of my own now […]

New in my Shop: Prayer Beads for the Norse Gods

Today I’m introducing a new shop section and prayer bead design: pocket prayer beads for the Norse gods. As a multi-faith polytheist*, I tend to go where I am most drawn in […]