Hearthfire Handworks

Greek Gods, Roman Gods

There is a long, long history of equating the Greek and Roman deities. And it’s not without reason–the Romans did, in fact, take great parts of Gre...

An Offering to Asklepios

Asklepios, god of healing and patron of medicine, is among the kindest of the Greek gods. Historically he would accept any offering, no matter how small, and his temples were filled with […]

Pantheonic Ramblings

When I was growing up, books of mythology were always among my favorites. Often these books would include a list of gods, a “cast of characters” that comprised the pantheon of deities […]

An Introduction to Artemis

Artemis, sister of Apollo and also an archer, is known as a goddess of the hunt as well as of animals and wildlife. Her companions are the nymphs, with whom she dances […]

Proerosia, Chloeia, Antheia, Kalameia: Festivals of Growth

Modern pagans, whether or not we live where food is produced, do recognize the importance of agriculture and growth in sustaining our lives. Even when the process itself isn’t something we see […]

Remember the Titans

Occasionally I am asked whether it’s all right for a Hellenic polytheist to worship the Titan deities. After all, doesn’t myth tell us that they were the enemies of the Olympian gods? […]

Festivals and Devotions: The Noumenia and other monthly devotions

While most of the ancient Greek festivals, rituals and devotional practices we hear about tend to be those held annually (or, sometimes, once ever few years), there are also traditional forms of […]

An Introduction to Pan

Pan is a god of shepherds and hunters, wild places, mountains and woods; he was worshipped throughout Greece but always retained his rustic character. He is a particular friend of the nymphs, […]

Athena Ergane, Goddess of Work

Because it is Labor Day here in the US, I honor Athena Ergane. As a goddess with a wide range of responsibilities, Athena has many different epithets. As Athena Ergane, Athena the […]

Gods Above and Gods Below

When it comes to discussing the Greek gods, “chthonic” or “chthonian” is a very useful and somewhat confusing word. You’ve probably heard it applied to underworld gods and spirits, the gods some […]

Goddess Groups: The Furies

While the Greeks typically regarded and approached their gods as individuals, there were some who could also be addressed in the aggregate–as a group. One such group was the Furies. The Furies […]

Goddess Groups: The Fates

While the Greeks typically regarded and approached their gods as individuals, there were some who could also be addressed in the aggregate–as a group. One such group was the Fates, or Moirai. […]