Hearthfire Handworks

“I’m not really a joiner”

Except that, really, I sort of am. I genuinely like the idea of organizations that promote pagan and polytheist religion, that provide resources and information and training and community and networking. I […]

How to pray so that the gods will hear you

If you say your prayer out loud, it will be heard. If you say your prayer silently, in your head, it will be heard. If you say your prayer standing or kneeling […]

Basic Altar Maintenance

Having had an altar (or altars) of one sort or another for quite a while, I know too well that it can be much easier to set up an altar than it […]

Who is the Agathos Daimon?

Agathos Daimon, literally, means “good spirit,” and that is certainly true; he is a granter of abundance, protection, fertility and good fortune–all kinds of blessings, really–to humankind. You won’t typically see him […]

A few thoughts about oaths

Something that may be new to someone starting out in a number of polytheistic religions is the idea of oaths. In the broader culture, oaths are significant in part for their rarity–if […]

Multifaith Issue #1: Not enough horizontal spaces

As I think I have mentioned, there is no such thing as too many gods. However, there might (might!) be such a thing as too many altars. Personally, when it comes to […]

Seeking Community, Finding the Self, and Why I Love the Internet

“A friend is someone who gives you total freedom to be yourself-and especially to feel, or not feel. Whatever you happen to be feeling at any moment is fine with them. That’s […]

Remember the Titans

Occasionally I am asked whether it’s all right for a Hellenic polytheist to worship the Titan deities. After all, doesn’t myth tell us that they were the enemies of the Olympian gods? […]

Any requests?

I know I haven’t been posting as much here as I used to. Partly it’s because I’ve already written some of the things I could write quickly and easily, and the things […]

Too Many Gods?

First off, I’d like to say that there is no such thing as too many gods. The gods are the gods, they are as they are, and there are as many as […]

Movable Faith

While it is true that the variations of ancient Greek religion and its practice were in many ways each unique to its era, culture, and region it is also true that that […]

Sifting through the Lore

The major tools we use in reconstructed/revived/rebuilt religion are those that are quantifiable. That doesn’t mean that more personal insights don’t have a part in faith, just that they are not part […]