Hearthfire Handworks
About the Mothers: The Matrae and Matronae
The Matrones/Matronae or Matres/Matrae (Mothers) are Celtic and Germanic goddesses widely worshipped in Gaul and Britain; they were almost always depicted in groups of three. They are protectors of home, family and […]
Thoughts on the worship of little-known gods
I have a real fondness for little-known gods, gods whose names are known only from a handful of sites, or even those who make a single (known) appearance. There’s no way of […]
A Brief Intro to Greek Hymns, Part 1: The Homeric and Orphic Hymns
While I am a big fan of writing your own prayers to the gods, you absolutely do not have to do this. Maybe you don’t feel called to do it, maybe you […]
Five Reasons to Write Prayers
While I am a writer of prayers and (like most other prayer-writers, I think) I am happy and honored whenever someone uses one of my pieces* in their practice, I am also […]
Why I Do What I Do
Back in another life, I studied technical communication; I’ve never actually worked in the field (due to a combination of factors including settling down so very far away from anywhere it’s a […]
New in my Shop: Goddess Prayer Beads
If you’ve read my blog you know that I honor the gods of several different pantheons in my practice. One of these is a goddess who has not (yet :)) given me […]
Movable Gods
Lately I’ve been doing a lot of research into the gods of continental Europe, of the areas once known as Gaul and Germania, as well as those British gods we know from […]
How Hard is Your Polytheism?
Over the last however-many years, I’ve observed the terms “hard” and “soft” polytheism becoming less and less useful, both in the larger community and personally. Getting to know the Egyptian deities was […]
Praying on Autopilot
Ideally we do all things mindfully and with full awareness. Less ideally but perhaps more frequently, we sometimes do things without that full awareness, particularly things that we do often. Like when […]
On the Evolution of Personal Polytheism
I’ve been pagan for over 20 years, and actively a polytheist for perhaps 17 of those years. My practice back then was quite a bit different from my practice now; some things […]
Goddess and Gods: Blodeuwedd
The myths of Wales, like those of Ireland, are a mixed blessing. On the one hand, they have been far better preserved than those of their continental Celtic cousins. On the other, […]
Breaking the Rules
There’s something I heard, a rule of art, when I was young that has stuck with me over the years: you have to know the rules before you can break them. I’ve […]