If you say your prayer out loud, it will be heard.
If you say your prayer silently, in your head, it will be heard.
If you say your prayer standing or kneeling or lying motionless at your altar, it will be heard.
If you say your prayer while you wash the dishes or fold the laundry, it will be heard.
If you say your prayer slowly and mindfully, each word hanging in your mind like a leaf on a tree, it will be heard.
If you say your prayer quickly, with the words racing through your head so fast you are barely aware of them, it will be heard.
If you say your prayer calmly, with precision and measured meaning, it will be heard.
If you say your prayer desperately or in a panic, with no sense or coherence, it will be heard.
The gods will hear you when you call, they will listen when you pray.