Hearthfire Handworks

Goddess Groups: The Younger Graces

While the Greeks typically regarded and approached their gods as individuals, there were some who could also be addressed in the aggregate–as a group. One such group was the Graces, or Charites/Kharites. […]

Goddess Groups: The Graces

While the Greeks typically regarded and approached their gods as individuals, there were some who could also be addressed in the aggregate–as a group. One such group was the Graces, or Charites/Kharites. […]

Goddess Groups: The Muses

While the Greeks typically regarded and approached their gods as individuals, there were some who could also be addressed in the aggregate–as a group. One such group was the Muses, or Mousai. […]

The Family of Asklepios (Asclepius)

Asklepios, healer-god and son of Apollo, was very likely originally a hero; the worship of heroes in ancient Greece differed from that of deities in numerous ways, one being that a hero […]

An Introduction to Hermes

Hermes is the god of tradesmen and travellers, as well as thieves. As a god of communication he helps with the transmission of messages. He also acts as a psychopomp–one who conducts […]

An Introduction to Hephaistos (Hephaestus)

Hephaistos is god of smiths, craftsmen and inventors, particularly metalworkers. Myths and Stories Hephaistos’ first myth is that of his birth to Hera; he may or may not be the son of […]

An Introduction to Hekate

Hekate, goddess of pathways and crossroads, is also associated with magic, witchcraft, and ghosts. She is as well a protective goddess, particularly of women, and many houses had a small shrine to […]

An Introduction to Eros

Eros is a god of love and passion. His depiction as a young boy with wings and a quiver is relatively late. Myth Several different origins are given for Eros. In one, […]

An Introduction to Asklepios (Asclepius)

Asklepios, son of Apollo, is a god of healing and medicine. Born a mortal, he died, but somehow eventually attained a unique status between god and hero. In addition to being the […]

An Introduction to Dionysos

Dionysos is god of wine, theater, and ecstasy. He was particularly loved and worshipped by women. Myths and Stories The story of Dionysos’ birth is a dramatic one. His mother, Semele, was […]

An Introduction to Apollo

Apollo is the son of Zeus and Leto and the twin brother of Artemis; some of his special interests are archery, music (particularly the lyre) and art, prophecy, and health and healing, […]

An Introduction to Athena

As patron goddess of Athens, Athena was a very popular deity with many myths attributed to her and a number of festivals in her honor. Her areas of interest were quite diverseÑshe […]