Hearthfire Handworks

How to pray so that the gods will hear you

If you say your prayer out loud, it will be heard. If you say your prayer silently, in your head, it will be heard. If you say your prayer standing or kneeling […]

A few thoughts about oaths

Something that may be new to someone starting out in a number of polytheistic religions is the idea of oaths. In the broader culture, oaths are significant in part for their rarity–if […]

Multifaith Issue #1: Not enough horizontal spaces

As I think I have mentioned, there is no such thing as too many gods. However, there might (might!) be such a thing as too many altars. Personally, when it comes to […]

Any requests?

I know I haven’t been posting as much here as I used to. Partly it’s because I’ve already written some of the things I could write quickly and easily, and the things […]

Too Many Gods?

First off, I’d like to say that there is no such thing as too many gods. The gods are the gods, they are as they are, and there are as many as […]

Building with Old Lumber

This is a true story, but it is also an analogy. Many many years ago, my mom and dad built the house where I lived for eight years of my childhood. My […]

All I mean when I say I am a polytheist is this

Polytheism, as it happens, is basically a pretty simple concept. All it means, if you say you are a polytheist, is that you believe in and honor multiple gods. That is it, […]

What Do They Want? Hints for the Headblind on Determining the Will of the Gods

I am, as I will freely admit, not a woo person. On the whole I am fine with this–from what I have observed, having an active godphone is not a thing that […]

Using Your Gifts for the Gods

There are many ways to honor the gods. Prayer, rituals, and offerings are the ones we think of most often; they are so very explicitly god-directed that it can be hard to […]

Artemis, Goddess of Mothers of Daughters

I was married before I knew there was such a thing as paganism. I was a mother before I became a polytheist. In other words, as long as I have been a […]

One of Us

I spent some time today reading blogs. There are a lot of blogs I follow (I really need to set up a blogroll here, come to think of it), with focuses on […]

Practice and Belief

People often call the pagan and polytheistic religions orthopraxic (having to do with “right practice”), to contrast them with religions that are orthodoxic (having to do with “right belief”). As it happens, […]